The UC Davis Agricultural Water Center of Excellence is funded by USDA NIFA Award # 2021-68012-35914
Peer Reviewed Publications
Alley, W.M., Megdal, S.B., & Harter, T. (2024). The Federal Role in Addressing Groundwater Depletion. Groundwater.
Peddinti, S.R., Nicolas, F., Raij-Hoffman, I., & Kisekka, I. (2024). Evapotranspiration estimation using high-resolution aerial imagery and pySEBAL for processing tomatoes. Irrig Sci.
Bruno, E.M., Jessoe, K. (2024). Designing Water Markets for Climate Change Adaptation. Nature Climate Change, 14, 2024: 331-339.
Bruno, E.M., Jessoe, K., Hanemann, M., (2024). The Dynamic Impacts of Pricing Groundwater. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 11(5), 2024: 1201-1227.
Bansal, S. Gonzalez-Maldonado, N., Yao, E., Wong, C.T.F., Adamo, I. Acin-Albiac, M., Garcia-Jimenez, B., Acedo, A Lazcano, C. Regenerative soil management practices no-till and sheep grazing induce significant but contrasting short-term changes in the vineyard soil microbiome. Plants, People, Planet, (2024) 1-18.
Mahipal Reddy Ramireddy, Manuel A Andrade, Susan A. O’Shaughnessy, Isaya Kisekka, Steven R. Evett. (2024). Monolith to Microservices: Refactoring the Architecture and Documentation of ARSPivot. 2024 ASABE Annual International Meeting 2401377. (doi:10.13031/aim.202401377).
Kisekka, Isaya and Peddinti, Srinivasa Rao and Savchik, Peter and Yang, Liyuan and Culumber, Mae and Bali, Khalid and Milliron, Luke and Edwards, Erica and Nocco, Mallika and Reyes, Clarissa and Mahoney, Robert and Shackel, Kenneth A. and Fulton, Allan. (2024). Multisite Evaluation of Microtensiometer and Osmotic Cell Stem Water Potential Sensors in Almond Orchards. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
Guerra, A., Nicolas, F., Peddinti, S., Ogunmokun, F., & Kisekka, I. (2024). Evaluating a novel radio frequency based soil moisture sensor under saline and imperfect installation. J. Nat. Resour. Agric. Ecosyst., 2(3), 119-128.
Raij-Hoffman I, Vanella D, Ramírez-Cuesta JM, Peddinti SR, Kisekka I. (2024). Detecting soil water redistribution in subsurface drip irrigated processing tomatoes using electrical resistivity tomography, proximal sensing and hydrological modelling. Sci Total Environ. 2024 Feb 20;912:169620. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169620. Epub 2023 Dec 28. PMID: 38157915.
Parker, L.E., Zhang, N., Abatzoglou, J.T. I. Kisekka, A. J. McElrone, S. M. Ostoja. (2024). A variety-specific analysis of climate change effects on California winegrapes. Int J Biometeorol 68, 1559–1571 (2024).
Savchik, P., Nocco, M., & Kisekka, I. (2024). Mapping almond stem water potential using machine learning and multispectral imagery. Irrig Sci.
Kisekka, I., Srinivasa Rao Peddinti, Daniela Vanella, Ellie Andrews, Patrick H. Brown, Sat Darshan S. Khalsa. (2024). Organic soil amendment effects on soil hydrology in an almond orchard evaluated using time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography, Agricultural Water Management, Volume 302, 2024, 108979, ISSN 0378-3774,
Zufall, Elise, and Tyler A. Scott. (2024). "Syntactic measurement of governance networks from textual data, with application to water management plans." Policy Studies Journal.
Sanyal, D., Stackpole, C, Megdal, S.B. (2024) Data from: Evaluating Forage Cover Crop Mixes for the Desert Southwest. Ag Data Commons. Dataset.
Velázquez-Chavez, L. J., Daccache, A., Mohamed, A. Z., & Centritto, M. (2024). Plant-based and remote sensing for water status monitoring of orchard crops: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Agricultural Water Management, 303, 109051.
Edirisooriya, E.M.N.T., Wang, H., Banerjee, S., Longley, K., Wright, W., Mizuno, W., Xu, P. (2024). Economic feasibility of developing alternative water supplies for agricultural irrigation. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 43, 100987.
Kisekka, I., Grattan, S.R., & Pedrero Salcedo, F. (2024). Assessing the State of Knowledge and Impacts of Recycled Water Irrigation on Agricultural Crops and Soils. The Water Research Foundation.
Kisekka, I., Al-Dughaishi, U., Platts, B., Cahn, M., Pedrero, F., & Grattan, S. R., (2024). Developing a New Foundational Understanding of SAR-Soil Structure Interactions for Improved Management of Agricultural Recycled Water Use. The Water Research Foundation.
Other Publications
Kouba, C. and T. Harter, (2024). Seasonal prediction of end-of-dry-season watershed behavior in a highly interconnected alluvial watershed in northern California, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 691–718,
Kourakos, G., R. Pauloo, T. Harter, (2024). An Imputation Method for Simulating 3D Well Screen Locations from Limited Regional Well Log Data, J. Groundwater,
Rahman, M., S.S. Solis, T. Harter, M. Saeedimoghaddam, N. Efron, G.S. Nearing, (2024). Drought awareness over continental United States, J. Hydrology,
P. K. Gautam. "Non-thermal Plasma Surface Interactions Towards Application in Water Treatment to Its Application in Controlled Environment Agriculture and Embedded Biomedical Devices." ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 31298893, (2024).
Hammel, M. (2024). Smart farming: UArizona initiative conserving 30+ percent water used on farms. KGUN 9 Tucson News.
Elshikha, D., S. Attalah, E. A. Elsadek, P. Waller, K. R. Thorp, D. Sanyal, E. Bautista, R. Norton, D. Hunsaker, C. Williams, G. Wall, E. Barnes, E. Orr. (2024). The Impact of Gravity Drip and Flood Irrigation on Development, Water Productivity, and Fiber Yield of Cotton in Semi-Arid Conditions of Arizona. Presented at the ASABE meeting in Los Angeles, California, USA. Paper number 2400004.
Attalah, S., E. A. Elsadek, P. Waller, D. Hunsaker, K. R. Thorp, E. Bautista, C. Williams, G. Wall, E. Orr, D. Elshikha. (2024). Evaluating the Performance of OpenET Models for Alfalfa in Arizona. Presented at the ASABE meeting in Los Angeles, California, USA. Paper number 2400041.
Hartman, L.W., Andrews, E.M., Galatis, E.G., Gaudin, A.C., Brown, P.H. and Khalsa, S.D.S., (2024). Evaluation of Almond Hull and Shell Amendments across Organic Matter Management of Orchard Soils. Soil Systems, 8(2), p.51.
Andrews, E.M., Tabassum, M., Galatis, E.G., Yao, E.H., Gaudin, A.C., Lazcano, C., Brown, P.H. and Khalsa, S.D.S., (2024). Almond hull and shell organic matter amendments increase microbial biomass and multifunctionality in orchard soil and the undisturbed organic layer. Applied Soil Ecology, 197, p.105321.
Nichols, P.K., Smart, D.R., Abu‐Najm, M., Brown, P., Harter, T. and Steenwerth, K.L., (2024). Long‐term compost use and high frequency low concentration fertigation reduce N2O emissions from a California almond orchard. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 88(2), pp.403-418.
Nichols, P.K., Dabach, S., Abu-Najm, M., Brown, P., Camarillo, R., Smart, D. and Steenwerth, K.L., (2024). Alternative fertilization practices lead to improvements in yield-scaled global warming potential in almond orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 362, p.108857.
Arp, T., Stackpole, C., & Sanyal, D. (2024). Cover Crops and Carbon Sequestration: A Perspective for Desert Soils.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sanyal, D., Stackpole, C., and Megdal, S.B. (2023) Evaluating Forage Cover Crop Mixes for the Desert Southwest, The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication No. az2062-2023. 4 pp.
Zhou, T., Levintal, E., Brunetti, G., Jordan, S., Harter, T., Kisekka, I., Šimůnek, J., & Dahlke, H.E. (2023). Estimating the impact of vadose zone heterogeneity on agricultural managed aquifer recharge: A combined experimental and modeling study. Water Research.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Emami, M., Ahmadi, A., Daccache, A., Nazif, S., Mousavi, S.-F., & Karami, H. (2022). County-level irrigation water demand estimation using machine learning: Case study of California. Water, 14(12), 1937.
Bird M., Subramaniam A., (2022). 4-H Water Wizards: Lessons learned for effective afterschool science programming.
Thorp, K. R. (2022). pyfao56: FAO-56 evapotranspiration in Python.
Linker, R. and Kisekka, I. (2022). Concurrent data assimilation and model-based optimization of irrigation scheduling.
Raij-Hoffman, I., Miller, K., Paul, G., Yimam, Y., Mehan, S., Dickey, J., Harter, T., & Kisekka, I. (2022). Modeling water and nitrogen dynamics from processing tomatoes under different management scenarios in the San Joaquin Valley of California.
Peddinti, S. R., & Kisekka, I. (2022). Effect of aggregation and disaggregation of land surface temperature imagery on evapotranspiration estimation.
Emami, M., Ahmadi, A., Daccache, A., Nazif, S., Mousavi, S.-F., & Karami, H. (2022). County-Level Irrigation Water Demand Estimation Using Machine Learning: Case Study of California.
Ahmadi, A., Olyaei, M., Heydari, Z., Emami, M., Zeynolabedin, A., Ghomlaghi, A., Daccache, A., Fogg, G.E., & Sadegh, M. (2022). Groundwater Level Modeling with Machine Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Peddinti, S.R. and Kisekka, I. (2022). Estimation of turbulent fluxes over almond orchards using high-resolution aerial imagery with one and two-source energy balance models.
Vanella, D., Peddinti, S.R., Kisekka, I. (2022). Unravelling soil water dynamics in almond orchards characterized by soil-heterogeneity using electrical resistivity tomography.
Thorp, K. R., Calleja, S., Pauli, D., Thompson, A. L., & Elshikha, D. E. (2022). Agronomic Outcomes of Precision Irrigation Management Technologies with Varying Complexity.
Kisekka, I., Peddinti, S.R., Kustas, W.P., McElrone, A.J., Bambach-Ortiz, N., McKee, L., & Bastiaanssen, W. (2022). Spatial–temporal modeling of root zone soil moisture dynamics in a vineyard using machine learning and remote sensing.
Parker, L.E., Zhang, N., Abatzoglou, J.T., Ostoja, S.M., & Pathak, T.B. (2022). Observed Changes in Agroclimate Metrics Relevant for Specialty Crop Production in California.
Other Publications
Molaei, B., Peters, T.R., Kisekka, I. (2022). Mobile drip irrigation. Washinton state university extension.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Goebel, M., & Knight, R. (2021). Recharge site assessment through the integration of surface geophysics and cone penetrometer testing.